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WISPS offers every year  the AHGBI-WISPS Dorothy Sherman-Severin Research Fellowship for Early-Career Researchers in Luso-Hispanic Studies 


​The Fellowship was established in 2006 and first awarded in 2007. It is designed to address the needs of talented UK- or Irish-based early-career researchers in Luso-Hispanic Studies (broadly understood) who plan on pursuing an academic career in this area.



The Executive Committees of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) and Women in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin-American Studies (WiSPS) invite applications for the 2024-2025 Dorothy Sherman-Severin Research Fellowship for Early Career Researchers in Luso-Hispanic Studies.



1. Applicants will normally be current members of either AHGBI or WiSPS.

​2. Applicants will normally have been awarded their doctorate in Luso-Hispanic Studies (broadly understood) within the last five years, excluding any breaks (e.g. parental leave).

​3. Applicants will normally be employed on a full- or part-time basis on 1 June 2024 or will have a contract in place for the start of the academic year 24-25 in a UK or Irish Higher Education Institution.

​4. Priority may be given to candidates in smaller departments at teaching-intensive universities and to applicants who do not currently have access to their own institution’s research funding.


Details of the Award

1. The Fellowship will be tenable from 30 September 2024 to 1 October 2025.

2. The successful candidate will receive financial support of up to £1000 during the year of the award plus a programme of structured support and mentoring (see attached notes for eligible costs).

3. The successful candidate’s progress will be supported by a mentor chosen in consultation with the Selection Committee.

4. The Fellow will be expected to offer at least one conference paper based on research undertaken for the Fellowship at either the annual conference of AHGBI or WiSPS. A bursary of up to £350 will be available for attending the AHGBI conference. A bursary of up to £175 will be available for attending the WiSPS conference.

5. The Fellow will be expected to produce a research output within 2 years of completing the fellowship and to contribute to a future training session at either WiSPS or AHGBI annual conference. The type of research output will depend on the proposed project but could be a scholarly article, a research event, a public engagement activity.

6. On completion of the Fellowship, the Fellow will be required to submit a detailed report on the progress achieved, including a supporting statement from the mentor. Copies of receipts for expenditure should be submitted by the same date together with an interim report outlining research undertaken to that date.



Applications are due by 5pm on Friday, 9th August 2024 and should be made on the application form, according to the Guidelines for Applicants; additionally, a separate CV (one page of A4 maximum) should be attached in Word or PDF format. Applications will be considered by a selection committee made up of members of the Executive Committees of AHGBI and WiSPS.


Guidelines for applicants

Please type throughout using a font no smaller than size 11 and using the boxes provided in the application form.

1. Name of Applicant / Institution. Provide contact details where you can be reached both within and outside term time.

2. Details of Current Appointment and Brief Career History. Please include brief details of your current appointment and attach a brief CV (maximum one A4 side) detailing your employment and research history.

3. Title of Project and Sum Requested. Provide a title for the project (no more than 20 words); this will be used to publicize the award if you are successful. Please state the total sum for which you are applying (up to a maximum of £1000).

4. Proposal. Please provide a clear outline of your project stating its research question and aims as well as a realistic timetable for completion and projected outputs. You should also give details of any additional funding you may have requested for this project and/or information about previous research grants you may have obtained. Please note that, if your application is successful, your timetable will form a central part of discussions and progress meetings with your mentor; it is therefore essential you are as realistic as possible in your planning. You should also ensure in advance that your proposed programme will be supported by your department. The Fellowship is designed to support and promote talented early-career researchers in UK and Irish Luso-Hispanism (broadly understood) who plan on pursuing an academic career in this area and who, for whatever reason, are finding it difficult to consolidate and develop their research potential. It is therefore important that you outline clearly and concisely the reasons why you are applying. These may include, but need not be restricted to, the following factors:

• Employed in a teaching-intensive department.

• Employed in a small department.

• Employed in a department where sabbatical / study leave / research support schemes may not exist or are insufficiently robust or accessible.

• Other circumstances which impede research progress.

5. Particulars of Costs. Please provide a detailed and realistic breakdown of estimated costs. If you are planning to cover parts of the costs of your project through other sources of funding, including self-funding, please indicate so. Underestimating costs may mean that the panel considers the project unrealisable. Certain categories of expenditure will not be supported for this Fellowship and should not be included; these are:

• Materials purchase.

• Conference fees or conference attendance costs.

• Microfilm / microfiche production.

• Publication costs.

• Photocopying costs.

Where replacement teaching costs are sought, these should be based on rates at your institution and should be agreed with your Head of Department prior to submission of the application.

6. Signature. Ensure that you sign and date the application before sending to your Head of Department, and then to your referee following this process:

An electronic copy of the completed form, signed and dated, should first be presented to your Head of Department and then sent to your Referee, who should forward the completed application as well as your one-page CV by email by 5pm on Friday 9th August to the Chair of the Selection Committee, to whom enquiries may also be addressed: Sophie Stevens (

For any queries or questions, please contact Sophie Stevens ( or Mercedes Carbayo-Abengozar (

Deadline for submission of completed applications by referees:

5pm, Friday 9th August 2024


Please find below the application.


































Women in Spanish and Portuguese Studies is an organisation supporting women academics, teaching and researching within Hispanic and Lusophone Studies.

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